Educational Fair Las Vegas
Gidday folks!
As I’m returning from a working trip I was thinking how grateful and lucky I am.
Freedom Innovations had me as their patient model in Vegas for an Educational Fair put on by Hanger Prosthetics. It’s a beautiful event that brings industry, clinicians, prosthetists and patients from all over the country. There’s workshops, classes and very inspirational speeches and shows.
I have been using Freedom equipment for over 5 years, helping with testing and feedback. Doesn’t take me long to realize that I’ll use prosthesis for the rest of my life, so this is a very symbiotic relationship.
I know Freedom loves the fact that (for an above knee amputee) I walk really well. For that, I have a lot to be thankful for one person: Dr. Althausen, from Reno, NV. Waking up from surgery, I (we) had no idea if I was going to be amputated below or above the knee. The sad surprise came when I lifted my sheets: I was an “AK”… that means more difficulties and more $$ (a prosthetic knee costs much more than a foot). Dr. Althausen said he would have to cut right below the knee, and that would complicate my walking and functioning as a below knee amputee. Instead, he said he’d make me a really good above knee amputee, with a nice and long stump. He was true to his word, and I am very thankful for him. I dream about the day I’m going back up there to see him, and maybe board with him –I remember he either skies or snowboards!
Las Vegas was great, good team work & good connections there. Seeing is believing: the last night dumped 10 inches of snow on the Strip! A rare occasion…