Upcoming Training Camp

Hello everyone,
In talking with the snow sports federation in Brazil, we are about to hear news regarding Beijing Winter Paralympics 2022.
I personally thought they may postpone them just like what we’re seeing in Tokyo, being that we completely missed this last season of racing (canceled due to Covid).
Apparently they won’t be postponing Beijing, just the qualification criteria may change —I’ll learn more about that as soon as they do (the federation said).
While I wait to hear about Beijing news, I’m hoping we’ll be able to have our 2-week training camp in August. It’s all still up in the air and nothing is confirmed, again because of Covid. We were supposed to have this camp last year but it never happened as one could have guessed.
Just thinking about that gets me pumped, not to mentioned it would be huge on my training pre-race season!
The details? —it would be on this area called Ushuaia, or Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. It is the southernmost mountain resort in the world and it faces due south, which means Antarctica. Because of the way it faces, even though the altitude is fairly low, the quality of the snow is amazing due to how cold it is! I’m already excited with that, not to mention there wouldn’t be too much altitude sickness which is something I always suffer with.
Fingers crossed everything lines up!