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Hello folks, 

Now that the season is officially over, it’s time to settle into my back at home and “base fitness” regime. 

As beautiful as the photos & videos that coach did from all the training & racing, there’s a lot to dissect & improve watching those…

I know what I’m doing wrong and also what I have to do to improve, on the technique side of things. There’s tweaks to be made on the snowboard leg – which by the way just went back to the factory for maintenance. Fitness wise, I shared with the team at the gym the points where I need to improve and we’re already working on it.

This last season I found out that after 4 days of going very strong when training on the mountain, the fatigue was serious and I needed a day’s rest, at least. It sometimes worked out that we were traveling to a different location which allowed me to rest & recover. But it is something I want to address on my fitness, to make sure I can go even stronger when the season is up.

Like I mentioned in the past, I have to make sure that all the things I can control are in order (boards, prosthetic, fitness) so when I get in the snow, (which is so precious and far between) I’m ready to perform and can forget about all the rest.
