January Updates
Hello! It’s now the end of January and things are progressing nicely.
In my previous competitions I was one of the strongest and fastest guys out there and athleticism was one of my advantages, now that I’m training and competing with higher and higher level partners this is no longer the case! So I’ve spent a lot of January doing kettlebell workouts and wall sits and abs to get my strength and conditioning up. Hopefully by May I will be about even with everyone and by the end of the year I will be at the top again. We’ll see what a year of work can do!
I made updates to my chair that allow a lot more freedom and extra support so I can use my legs better, and will also allow me to retreat a lot further. It’s a big change and will require months of retraining to adapt to but that’s what it takes to get to the next level. I also need to be able to hold a 90 degree squat for 3 minutes straight which is quite possibly the most challenging leg exercise I’ve ever had to do, including hill climbs and high intensity intervals and the 1km velodrome sprint.
I also finally got a proper frame at my home club and can start sparring on a regular basis. This was a critical hole in my training that is now patched.
Overall these 3 changes are huge and should give me plenty of growth to make it into the top 10 in the world. We will get to put it to the test in April at the LA Convention center!