SDTC 2015
The San Diego Triathlon Challenge is a yearly pilgrimage I have written about before. It’s a beautiful event put on by the Challenged Athletes Foundation, it’s similar to Team PossAbilities Triathlon. It happens at La Jolla Cove, a gorgeous location, and as always Loma Linda’s Team PossAbilities was well represented –this time by quite a few relay teams!
I always choose to do the 1-mile swim part, and this year was specially warm, I even chose not to wear a wetsuit. The water was calm and I saw a couple of sea lions, a very unique experience having them swimming underneath me. My swim was great and I’m happy to inform that it was my personal best in the 4 years participating in the event, 24 minutes.
At first I was mad when I saw a girl passing by me like she had an engine in her body, insane form and speed! But later I found out she has won a few Iron Man, her name was Rachel Joyce. I have a lot of miles to catch up with that one:)
Thank you Team PossAbilities for another memorable weekend in San Diego. It’s always great when you go up those stairs at the Cove and you have so many people cheering you on and the announcer (Iron Man hall of famer Bob Babbit) announcing your name to the crowd! This one was extra special because I had my fiancé and her family cheering me on:)