Game changer:
Greetings friends,
Andre here again, sharing awesome news:)) It’s quite safe now to announce that Karina and I are expecting another baby!! Stella is going to be a big sister!!
It’s about to get really busy again, all that fun baby stuff that a lot of you know about…
We decided we won’t find out the sex until birth. Never thought I would be ok with this but I’m extremely peaceful with it. All that we care is that baby is healthy.
So the name of the game for me is SCHEDULE. In talking with my wife, we decided we’re still pursuing a berth in the Paralympics. As in, I’m pursuing, but like I said before, “it takes a village”… I cannot do this alone.
Between family with a new baby, work, training, training trips & races (if, when they happen), there’s got to be focus on scheduling. Scheduling training will be important.
The fact that snowboarding is very seasonal in its racing season will help me, it’s basically from November — late March so it’s better than a lot of races spread out throughout the year.
I did the “math” and there’s a big chance I could make it into Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics, how exciting would that be? All I need is to focus my energy in the right places…