Game on: Can I keep up?

Game on: Can I keep up?

Greetings fellow friends of PossAbilities, hope everyone is doing well!

Excited with the news that Covid is slowly letting go… it’s still not a won battle but we’re inching closer. With that said, hopefully frontiers will be opening up.

I had a really good Zoom call with the Brazilian snow sports Federation, they believe and want to invest in me. It was great and reassuring to hear that! My concern is where I’m at right now, it’s like a chess game with a lot of moving pieces. With two kids and my wife back to working full time, I can’t just go to all the training camps and races they’re offering me. It saddens me to think about missing out on those —imagine someone paying you to go have fun?? Hard to say no… Unfortunately I’ll have to pick and choose which events/trips I can/will be able to go on.

“It takes a village.” It’ll be a coordinated effort between my family; friends & daycare helping with kids when I’m away, work; my parents being able to come (from Brazil, if pandemic relaxes a bit & they don’t have to quarantine 14 days before US entry) & help w the kids.

All goes well, come March 2022 Winter Paralympics in Beijing, I’ll have clocked about 40-50 days in the snow. I hope it goes well!