Almost December!
Just a couple hours before December 1st and I was thinking there were 31 days this month, oops! All good though as I’m blogging before midnight. I was going to summarize 28 things I’m grateful for in this month’s blog but I think I’ll pass. Not that I’m not grateful for 28 things, definitely more, but just have better things to discuss.
First, I’m getting stronger day by day. Why am I getting stronger you may ask? I’m getting stronger because I’m putting in the work. My strength is good, not riding too many miles, and I’m not exhausted. My power numbers are getting higher and higher. This is a great thing! The goal is to maintain this power numbers for longer duration which is happening. I wonder if it’s because I’m spending a lot of time on my e-bike, which weighs over 40 pounds, riding it without the e-motor engaged. It’s not easy but a fun change and I’m also riding it on gravel a good amount of time.
Second, there are less than two weeks left in the semester and students are mostly completing all assignments so less to worry about at the end of the semester. I really appreciate the students that are motivated and have a vision, plan, and purpose. I shared some of my story with them yesterday as we covered a chapter on aerobic performance. My history with cycling pre and post spinal cord injury. In all honesty I would love to play the movie Forest Gump for them on the last day and listen to their feedback of just doing and not worrying about all the distractions of the world.
Lastly, it’s just over 2 months to the first time trial of the season. I’ll be post two more times before then. Next week is the start of 30/30’s. I absolutely love those in a workout. I also have a mix of 5 on/5 off mixed into tempo but starting slowly. It’s going to be epic and hopefully allow me to eat a few more Christmas cookies.