Barry Wilcox

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March on!!!

Hi, here we go for March 2023. What is spring here in Arizona feels like summer anywhere else north of the 40th parallel around the globe as we might hit 80 today. An epic day for a 30 mile ride with intervals along Tempe Town Lake. The ride continues! I have been training hard and it is paying off which is so refreshing. I was selected to ride with Team USA in Belgium at world cup number 2 and hoping...

The Season has Started!

Well, it has started but not the way I was hoping. I made a rookie mistake and I'm not a rookie. First, ended up with low blood glucose before the start which is abnormal but I've had some stomach issues on/off for the week pre-race. And second, I thought I'd get away with using my new carbon grip with only trying it for a week pre-event. Is what it is. Live and learn but do not repeat same mistakes., Training...

1 month to GO-TIME!

It is exactly one month until the Valley of The Sun time trial. I was 1 minute and 40 seconds faster at this time trial than years previous. This year is a new course which is similar to the previous course. But, yes but, I need to ride faster than I have ridden in two years to meet the time requirement to increase my chances of selection to world cup 1 and 2 over in Europe. I'm currently on my...

To a great 2023!!!

Hello, I start writing this month's post with optimism for the 2023 season. In all honesty, I'm nervous as there are many items that need to come together for me. I need to have specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic goals. You have heard of SMART goals before. I left the T for timely out of the previous sentence, but dates are very important. Everything needs to align with date of competition. There is no next day, sick day, or race...

Almost December!

Just a couple hours before December 1st and I was thinking there were 31 days this month, oops! All good though as I'm blogging before midnight. I was going to summarize 28 things I'm grateful for in this month's blog but I think I'll pass. Not that I'm not grateful for 28 things, definitely more, but just have better things to discuss. First, I'm getting stronger day by day. Why am I getting stronger you may ask? I'm getting stronger because...

A pumpkin spice time of year!

Here we are at the end of October and I feel good! As I sit here writing for the month my Halloween themed cat, she's orange, is chilling next to me. Honestly, I think it's the sub 85 degree weather that is most invigorating. I am absolutely loving it! As an asia A C6 quad I do n0ot sweat so I have to plan my life around the weather here from May to the end of September, typically. The smart...

September 2022

As we're approaching October and what does not feel like fall, still highs over 100, here in Phoenix I'm really excited to start getting longer rides in. As mentioned last month I am in the gym lifting weights and then gradually building back miles on the bike. One of my favorite things to do is just go ride for a couple hours and enjoy the sites, think, say hello to those I see on the trails, and more. I'll compare...

Post Season!!!

When I was typing this post out earlier today I realized how much I could say about what happens once post season arrives. First, it's a time to reflect on things I can improve on for next season. I can modify training specified around the terrain of next year's races, change/replace equipment, think about getting more sleep and less work, and dialing in the training/nutrition to promote better recovery and performance. It's all about progression. Second, designing my classes...

Grateful for new opportunity!!!

The season has ended with a national championship victory in the time trial and road race in Chattanooga, TN. I am happy with how I performed but wish I had more appropriate gearing with a 12% grade hill on slick pavement. After returning home I was already planning out next season. The new season is many months away but the next two seasons are what counts in selection towards Paris 2024. The current goals for 2023 are to get top...