Athlete Blogs

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The hype up to Beijing 

Hello friends, Today I was thinking about the training & racing that happened in Big White, Canada, prior to flying to Beijing for the Paralympics; then thought I would tell the story… My coach Mancha flew in from Portugal and we met in Canada. First days were laser focused for the races at hand (2), which in themselves were incredible. 1st race I got an unexpected 2nd place (!) —anything can happen on Snowboard Cross. That gave me so much confidence for...

Daily Grind

Almost end of the year it's been a Rollercoasters lots of projects happening and always on the move as we get ready to reset for 2023 I set here contemplating on the achievements goals and current state. As of now I had to slow down on my training do to some home projects that were keeping me from staying consistent never the less I'm getting back on track to my daily routine taking care of the usual work family and...

A pumpkin spice time of year!

Here we are at the end of October and I feel good! As I sit here writing for the month my Halloween themed cat, she's orange, is chilling next to me. Honestly, I think it's the sub 85 degree weather that is most invigorating. I am absolutely loving it! As an asia A C6 quad I do n0ot sweat so I have to plan my life around the weather here from May to the end of September, typically. The smart...

The 2022 Season

My season is bit different, in a way that my races run mostly during the northern hemisphere winter.  Even though I blogged every month, it’s worth mentioning that this was the most meaningful sports year / season of my life: I made it to the Paralympics!!! The amount of work that went into me making it to winter Paralympics in Beijing 2022 shouldn’t be overlooked, it took years of hard work, sweat and money. Racing around the world is not cheap. Equipment...

3rd place at the US Open Adaptive Surf Championships 

Hey guys, Today I’m sharing good news of a podium, I got 3rd at the us Open Surf Champs! So excited w this one because it was not easy, real tough competition and I fought hard to achieve the result.  Surfing is great cross training for snowboarding; even though I’m on my knees (surfing) rather than standing up, it still is constant work putting on the board’s rails, changing edges, direction, weight distribution, it’s a very dynamic sport! I love it and...

September 2022

As we're approaching October and what does not feel like fall, still highs over 100, here in Phoenix I'm really excited to start getting longer rides in. As mentioned last month I am in the gym lifting weights and then gradually building back miles on the bike. One of my favorite things to do is just go ride for a couple hours and enjoy the sites, think, say hello to those I see on the trails, and more. I'll compare...


Today was a week that we had got evacuated from our home because of the fires that got out of control scary feeling for me to think I could lose my home however we can now look back and say we dodge one. We continue with our training with our goal in mind to motivate people around you and help them be the best image of themselves regardless of the challenges they face, being an ambassador to possabilties continues to help...

Post Season!!!

When I was typing this post out earlier today I realized how much I could say about what happens once post season arrives. First, it's a time to reflect on things I can improve on for next season. I can modify training specified around the terrain of next year's races, change/replace equipment, think about getting more sleep and less work, and dialing in the training/nutrition to promote better recovery and performance. It's all about progression. Second, designing my classes...

World Cup 1 Ostend Belgium

The world cups are back and this year will be my second year attending this event and I was hoping more experience would come with better results. The first world cup would be held in Ostende Belgium which was primarily a flat course and suits what I do best which is flat and fast time trials. Last year at this event I had my best race ever as far as a...

The importance of a good coach

Hi guys,  Today I’d like to share something that is often top of my mind: the difference that it makes having a good coach. It’s probably very good on every sport, and life.  With snowboarding, it’s a HUGE part of my improvement —a game changer. My coach, Mancha, is from Portugal and is also their National team’s coach. Honored to have had his company in a few snow trips / races.  It means I have a coach most of my rides, correcting my...